
Saturday, May 02, 2009

PNG doctors say Cubans not answer to health care problems

PNG doctors say Cubans not answer to health care problems
Thu, 30 Apr 2009

PORT MORESBY, PNG ---- The Papua New Guinea (PNG) doctors' Association
says Cuban doctors are not the answer to a doctor shortage in PNG,
reports Radio New Zealand International.

The Governor of the National Capital District, Powes Parkop, said he
wants to take up a long-standing offer from Cuba and use its doctors to
staff Port Moresby's medical centres.

But Mr Parkop said the medical fraternity is opposed to the Cubans being
brought in.

Dr Kauve Pomat of the Doctors' Association said PNG is thousands of
doctors short of what it needs and his organisation is not opposed to
foreign doctors being brought in.

But he said the Cubans are not good enough, not least because of
language problems.

"The fact that we are having doctors who are going to have a
communication problem. Secondly we already have enough evidence from
Cuban doctors having worked in the Pacific and their clinical standard
is not up to what is expected."

Cuba provides doctors in a number of Pacific countries, including
Kiribati and Solomon Island

Islands Business - PNG doctors say Cubans not answer to health care
problems (2 May 2009)

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