
Monday, February 09, 2009

Cuba expects high Ag harvest

Cuba expects high Ag harvest

Cuba expects to harvest this year about 400,000 tons more of
agricultural products compared to 2008, and adopt some measures to make
safer and more viable their production, transportation, and preservation.

Deputy Agriculture Minister Juan Perez Lamas told Granma newspaper that
such improvement has a great meaning for his ministry, which has faced
several difficulties in the mentioned mechanism.

When those products surpass the plan, containers, transportation,
warehouses and cold storages are not sufficient

Agricultural units are generally distant from the points of distribution
and receipt.

The situation worsens, above all in crops like tomato, which
deteriorates rapidly, while onion and other vegetables that are
harvested in a determined stage and with different destinations.

As potato, cabbage, carrot, beet, onion and other crops will start being
harvested after February 15, the Interior Trade Ministry is preparing
cold storage to keep, preserve and distribute them.


Publication date: 2/9/2009

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