
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cuba collaborates in Venezuelan mining projects

Cuba collaborates in Venezuelan mining projects
Published on Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HAVANA, Cuba (ACN): Cuba and Venezuela are developing more than ten
collaboration projects in the Geology and Mining sectors as part of a
comprehensive cooperation agreement between the two nations.
In statements to the "Opciones" economic and financial weekly magazine,
Avilo Lavarca, president of the Venezuelan Institute of geology and
mining, said that the first goal is to identify, quantify and explore
gold, diamond, salt, limestone, and nickel mines.

Another objective is to train the needed human resources to make
Venezuela a mining power. Lavarca explained that the projects, mainly in
the area of geological research, are being developed by the Geominera
Company and the Ministry of Mining, to create entities to exploit
mineral resources available in Venezuela.

Currently, there are 60 Cubans cooperating in 11 projects, most of them
showing promising results in identifying and classifying reserves. In
the nickel sector one of the cooperation projects is giving rise to a
processing company that will be operational in Venezuela in two years.

"We have a wide gamut of geological specialists including in the areas
of geology, mining, mineral resources, geophysics, topography, photo
analyzing and remote sensors, laboratory research and business
administration," concluded Lavarca.

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