
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Carlos Paya criticizes Spanish left for supporting dictatorship in Cuba

Carlos Paya criticizes Spanish left for supporting dictatorship in Cuba
Madrid, Feb 9, 2009 / 09:37 pm (CNA).

Carlos Paya, the representative in Spain for Cuban dissident group the
Christian Liberation Movement, is criticizing the left in that country
for supporting the Castro dictatorship in Cuba, despite the knowledge
that human rights are violated on the island.

In statements to, Paya asserted that the Spanish left "knows
that that (regime) is a dictatorship." The Cuban dissident also
addressed those who doubt the severity of living in a country where
freedom of expression is suppressed. "To those people I would say, Do
you really know what goes on there?" he said.

Paya criticized the Minister of Exterior Affairs and Cooperation, Miguel
Angel Moratinos, for not protesting the statements by the Cuban Foreign
Affairs Minister, who stood in front of Moratinos and said the political
prisoners in Cuba were mercenaries and terrorists.

After reaffirming that the purpose of the dissident group is to achieve
peaceful transition in Cuba, Paya maintained that nobody believes in the
Cuban Communist Party and that what is needed is dialogue between Cubans
in the country and abroad.

"Right now Cuba does not belong to the Cubans," Paya said, noting that
the country belongs "a ruling nomenclature that makes the decisions"
about what is done in the country, including in peoples' private lives.

During the interview, Paya also addressed business leaders who see Cuba
as a place to do business. He called on them to practice "responsible
ethics," as it would be "very profitable" for an unscrupulous
businessman to make money in a country where workers have no right to
strike because they are controlled. Such business owners end up being
accomplices with the regime, he stressed.

Paya was also harsh in his critique of Che Guevara, who has been made
into a myth, he said, in contrast with facts about his true life. He
lamented that very little is said about this other aspect of his life,
as "his blood was to shed blood."

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