
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cuban bishops hold first Christmas prison mass in 50 years

Cuban bishops hold first Christmas prison mass in 50 years
Published on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

HAVANA, Cuba (AFP): Five Cuban Roman Catholic bishops, including
Cardinal Jaime Ortega, celebrated Christmas mass in a Cuban prison for
the first time in 50 years, Catholic magazine Palabra Nueva said Saturday.

"It was wonderful. There were tears running down many faces because it
seemed like an incredible experience," said clergyman Felix Hernandez,
who accompanied Ortega to Havana's Combinado del Este penitentiary,
Cuba's largest.

The religious delegation "was met by the prison director and other
prison authorities," Ortega's Archdiocese of Havana said on its website.

Besides officiating mass, Palabra Nueva said, Ortega and the bishops
also spoke with inmates.

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