
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Malawi to export beans to Cuba

Malawi to export beans to Cuba

Malawi is slowly gaining ground in the business of exports as it will
soon start exporting beans to Cuba. The Southern African country is said
to have secured an outright order of 15,000 metric tons of red beans to
Cuba. Malawi is one of the countries that grow the best beans which have
won the heart of many.

The country's minister of Industry and Trade Henry Mussa said the deal
had come about after Cuba experienced hurricanes which destroyed its
crops. "We have been given an outright deal to export to Cuba about
15,000 metric tons of red beans, which is translated to nearly
US$12million (K1.9bn)," said the minister on his arrival from Cuba's
26th International Trade Fair.

Mussa was quoted in a local newspaper, Daily Times, that apart from the
beans export the two countries had also made an agreement on Cuba
assisting with expertise and knowledge to process fruits. According to
reports from the country's ministry of trade officials, experts from
Cuba are expected in Malawi to select a variety of their choice.

Malawi is said to have showcased several agricultural commodities which
included groundnuts, tea, and coffee at the fair. Statistics from the
country indicate that it produces about 34,000 metric tonnes of beans
annually. Early this year the country also announced that it was to
export some of its products to China. China and Malawi tied its
friendship last year.


Publication date: 11/17/2008

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