
Monday, October 13, 2008

Cuban, Czech, French officials to meet

Cuban, Czech, French officials to meet

More details -- albeit unconfirmed -- on the expected meeting of Kouch2
Felipe Pérez Roque with European Union leaders. The French news agency
AFP reports that the Cuban foreign minister will meet Thursday in Paris
with the EU's Commissioner of Development, Louis Michel; French Foreign
Minister Bernard Kouchner (left), and Czech Foreign Minister Karel
Schwarzenberg, Schwa2 whose country will assume the presidency of the EU
next January. The Czech Republic has strongly opposed a normalization of
EU relations with Cuba. Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos
told the AFP that the meeting itself is proof that normality is back.
"If they speak, that's normal," he said. "We're already talking to the
Cubans," he said, referring to Spain.
The Cuban media's announcement of Pérez Roque's visit to Spain did not
mention his trip to Paris.
In Madrid on Sunday, Cuban émigrés opposed to the Castro regime asked
Moratinos to demand from Pérez Roque the release of imprisoned
oppositionists on the island, as proof of Havana's sincerity in its
dialogue with Europe.
---Renato Pérez Pizarro.

October 13, 2008

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