
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cuba names new vice president of cabinet

Posted on Tuesday, 10.14.08

Cuba names new vice president of cabinet
Associated Press

HAVANA -- An official with decades of experience in international
commerce has been named a vice president of Cuba's Cabinet to oversee
the foreign trade and foreign investment ministries.

The 71-year-old Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz becomes one of seven vice
presidents within the Cabinet. He was previously minister without
portfolio. The separate Council of State that formally governs Cuba has
six vice presidents.

Cabrisas earlier was commerce minister and ambassador to Japan, and he
is often called on to meet foreign dignitaries arriving in Cuba.

The Communist Party daily Granma says Tuesday that the move was proposed
by the party's ruling politburo. Fidel Castro still heads that body
despite resigning as president in February due to illness.

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