
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Castro's daughter says Cuba to resemble China, not a democracy

Posted on Wed, Oct. 01, 2008

Castro's daughter says Cuba to resemble China, not a democracy

HURST — Alina Fernandez, the estranged daughter of Cuban leader Fidel
Castro, said she does not expect much to change in Cuba soon after her
father's death.

She considers her uncle Raul Castro an ardent communist. Raul Castro has
taken over the Cuban government as his brother's health deteriorates.

Fernandez talked about Cuba's future with reporters after she spoke to
about 200 people in the student union today at Tarrant County College
Northeast Campus. Her talk was part of the college's Hispanic Heritage
Month program. Fernandez wrote the 1997 book Castro's Daughter: An
Exile's Memoir.

Fernandez said that she has heard reports that Cuba might liberalize its
economy. But she thinks the country will resemble China more than a
Western democracy.

"I don't see any changes for tomorrow," she said.

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