
Friday, September 26, 2008

Cuban dissident meets with the president and First Lady

Cuban dissident meets with the president and First Lady

Omar Pernet Hernandez, a journalist arrested in Cuba in 2003, was among
the political dissidents lunching Tuesday with President Bush and First
Lady Laura Bush in New York.

Hernandez was among 75 dissidents arrested in the "Black Spring"
crackdown of 2003. He was released in February 2008 and now lives in
Spain. The White House says he continued to call for human rights and
freedom while in prison and still suffers from serious medical problems
due to mistreatment in prison.

"They inspire us," Bush said of the dissidents. "Here in America, we
have an obligation to help others realize the blessings of liberty. They
have been on the front lines of securing liberty."

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