
Friday, July 25, 2008


Committee from Liberation of Rolando Jimenez Pozada

Dear Reverend Sharpton:

The undersigned congratulate you most sincerely courageous involvement
in favor of the civil rights of the Afro-Cuban opposition leaders. We
also wish to express our gratitude for the offer to involve yourself in
this endeavor vis a vis the Cuban authorities.

We are convinced that your noble gesture will impact on all the Cubans
unjustly incarcerated in Cuban jails where conditions, as you have
rightly noted, leave much to be desired.

We seize the occasion to ask you to intercede as well for our colleague
Rolando Jimenez Pozada who has spent five long years in Cuban jails. His
condition as a lawyer and Afro-Cuban provoke the ire of this jailers who
not happy with beating him up regularly incite other prisoners to attack
him. Rolando is a man of principle, and indefatigable fighter for civil
rights, and indeed and exemplary person giving all of himself for a
noble cause.

We are most grateful that this help for our people originate from
standard bearers of Martin Luther King such as you. May God bless you
and your humanitarian efforts on behalf of this most worthy cause.

This letter is signed for the lawyers:

Alberto Luzarraga, Camilo Loret de Mola, Juan Escandell Ramirez, Luis.F.
Fernandez, Pedro Fuentes Cid, Ofelia Nardo, Antonio Pavoni, Caridad
Rafael, Felix Fleitas Pozada, Santiago Gomez, Julio Alejandro Hernandez,
Alexandra Salazar, Jadir Hernandez, Leonel Morejon Almagro, Adolfo
Rivero Caro, Alfredo Garcia Menocal, Eduardo Agramonte, Angel Cuadra y
Luis Gomez Dominguez.

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