
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Cuba willing to hold talks with U.S. on equal footing

Cuba willing to hold talks with U.S. on equal footing 2008-07-05 12:36:00

HAVANA, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez said
Friday that the Cuban government is willing to negotiate with the United
States on equal footing without compromising its principles.

Perez made the remarks during the Non-Alliance Movement (NAM)
meeting on Margarita island off the northeastern coast of Venezuela.

Answering questions about the prospect for relations between the
two countries after the U.S. presidential elections in November, he said
it is premature to make any comment on this, but one thing is certain:
Cuba's principled positions will remain unchanged.

These include safeguarding Cuba's national independence, building
the country free of any foreign interference and opposition to the
economic blockade imposed by Washington.

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