
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

EU: Prisoner release is 'a key priority'

EU: Prisoner release is 'a key priority'

The European Union on Wednesday released the formal text of its decision
lifting the sanctions it imposed on Cuba in 2003. Excerpts:
• "The Council called upon the Cuban Government to [...release]
unconditionally all political prisoners, including those who were
detained and sentenced in 2003. This remains a key priority for the EU.
It also calls on the Cuban Government to facilitate access of
international humanitarian organizations to Cuban prisons.
• "The Council further called upon the Cuban authorities to ratify and
implement the recently signed International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights [...]
• "The Council [...] reaffirmed its determination to pursue a dialogue
with the Cuban authorities as well as with representatives of civil
society and democratic opposition [...] to promote respect for human
rights and real progress towards a pluralist democracy. The Council
underlined that the EU will continue to offer to all sectors of society
practical support towards peaceful change in Cuba.
• "The Council reaffirmed that its policy for EU contacts with the
democratic opposition remains valid. During high level visits, human
rights issues should always be addressed; when appropriate, meetings
with the democratic opposition will be part of high level visits." To
read the entire text, in English, click here.
---Renato Pérez Pizarro.

June 25, 2008

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