
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cuba will buy 100 buses from Belarus

Cuba will buy 100 buses from Belarus

Maz2_2 The government of Belarus this week approved the sale to Cuba of
100 buses for US$17.47 million, the Interfax news agency reported
Saturday. Belarus also OK'd a credit line of US$14.8 million for the
transaction. The credit is granted for five years, at an annual rate of
interest of 8 percent. Delivery of the buses (manufactured by MAZ,
Mazlogo acronym for Minsk Automobile Plant) will begin after 15 percent
of the total cost is paid in advance. According to Nikolai Cherguinets,
chairman of the Permanent Commission for International Affairs, the sale
will "improve the economic and trade cooperation between Belarus and
Cuba and reinforce Belarus' position in the Latin American market."
Trade between the two countries amounted to US$21.2 million in 2007. The
bus deal resulted from a visit to Minsk in February by Minister Without
Portfolio Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz. Cuba also buys buses from China.
---Renato Pérez Pizarro.

June 28, 2008

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