
Friday, May 30, 2008

Young Adults Need to Know the Truth About Cuba

Diario Las Americas
Publicado el 05-29-2008

Young Adults Need to Know the Truth About Cuba

It is not always easy for the young people, and those not necessarily
very young, to know the historic reality of the political and social
events of their own countries. And this happens because many individuals
who are deemed to be historians analyze the events with prejudice or
tend to deviate from reality. This causes that many be confused, for
example, with respect to the tragedy of the Cuban people that soon are
going to mark fifty years of enslavement under the Marxist-Leninist
totalitarian regime set up by Fidel Castro.

Although this might not be the ideal situation, different theses must be
accepted or tolerated, even when there are discrepancies, about the
political events that in one way or another facilitated the takeover of
power by Fidel Castro and his henchmen. Of course, it must be emphasized
that it is necessary that in the midst of so much confusion there be
books and documents that describe the historic stand of the different
sectors of Cuban society.

It is necessary that those young or not so young people who are
interested in knowing as much as possible about the truth, may have
access to historic information that clarifies conflicting situations and
that allows them to know the truth and confirm that, in the case of
Cuba, from the very first moment people should have noticed the enormous
danger of the totalitarian Marxist-Leninist tyranny that was looming
over the noble Cuban people. The Cuban nation has suffered for so many
years that it is necessary that the new generations, already several,
have the opportunity to learn more or less in depth about the origin of
the evil that befell them.

It is a good thing that there are many books that with patriotism and
wisdom, adhering to history, narrate the process that ended up with the
tragedy of Fidel Castro's Marxist-Leninist tyranny. The ideal situation
would be that those books do not disappear or go out of print. It should
be clarified that many times they are out of print because not only the
original edition was small, but also because there are people who make
them disappear from the bookstores so that not too many people may read
them to clarify doubts or to know the painful truths for the first time.

Today there are individuals who are fifty or fifty-five years old who
were very young when the process began and they have to resort to
reasonably objective history books to learn the truth or most of it.

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