
Friday, April 25, 2008

Havana's Archbishop Sees Changes in Post-Fidel Cuba

Havana's Archbishop Sees Changes in Post-Fidel Cuba
Ray Sanchez | Direct from Havana
7:47 AM EDT, April 25, 2008

Archbishop Cardinal Jaime Ortega said Cuba after Fidel Castro is living
through a "period of much reflection and debate," according to an
interview in the latest issue of the magazine Temas.

"... You can feel it in the people," said Ortega, adding that the island
was being swept by an "air of change for things to get better."

Ortega, who was named archbishop in 1982, said there is always room for
improvement in relations between the church and the communist state.

The church's longtime demand for greater access to state media had
resulted in more radio airtime for the clergy during Christmas and Holy
Week. But Ortega said the church hoped for a more permanent presence in
the state media, such as a weekly or monthly program.

Ray Sanchez Ray Sanchez E-mail | Recent columns

Ortega said the church would continue to press for the chance to run
schools in Cuba but that the likelihood of such a change was remote.,0,2390611.column

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