
Monday, April 28, 2008

Cuba to give raises to retirees, court employees

Cuba to give raises to retirees, court employees
Posted on Sun, Apr. 27, 2008

(AP) -- Cuba is giving raises to retirees living on state pensions and
court employees and says salary increases for more government employees
are on the way.

Cuban retirees will receive pension increases of just under $2 a month
starting in May. Minimum pensions will rise to $9.50 a month.

Justice system employees will get raises worth $10 a month, with judges
and prosecutors receiving raises roughly double that. The sector's
median monthly salary will rise to $26.60.

Sunday's Communist youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde said the increases
are part of an effort to ``reduce social inequalities and ensure that
every citizen can live on his work and pension.''

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