
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cardinal Ortega: John Paul II's visit changed Cuba

Cardinal Ortega: John Paul II's visit changed Cuba

Catholic News Agency (
"The mark John Paul II left in Cuba is profound. Starting at that
moment, things were different in the Church's relations with society and
the state,"

HAVANA (CNA) - In a brief interview with the Associated Press, the
Archbishop of Havana, Cardinal Jaime Ortega y Alamino, said John Paul
II's visit to the country changed both the Church and Cuban society.

"The mark John Paul II left in Cuba is profound. Starting at that
moment, things were different in the Church's relations with society and
the state," the cardinal said after celebrating Mass at the Cathedral of

He also said the upcoming visit by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone would be "a follow-up" to what the Pope started.
Cardinal Bertone will be in Cuba February 21-26.

John Paul II made the world known to Cubans and made Cuba known to the
world, Cardinal Ortega continued. His visit marked "an official opening
for the Church to carry out her mission, and an openness in Cubans
towards the faith that for many years was kept quiet."

He went on to say that today "our people have faith, and although there
is no spectacular growth in the Church, there is always a growing vitality."

Cardinal Ortega noted that during the last 10 years this new openness in
Cuba has brought benefits and dangers, "since modern culture can also
bring with it much consumerism and a sort of indifference for the
sacred, which is not positive."

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