
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Castro's innumerable victims

Castro's innumerable victims
Posted on Wed, Feb. 20, 2008

Re the Feb. 15 front-page photograph of the crosses of the Cuban
memorial: A more-proper headline for the picture would have been
''Castro's victims'' instead of Castro foes.

The magnificent spectacle of 10,000 white crosses, which we erect every
year with the help of volunteers and private donations, is a monument to
the ultimate sacrifice these people made for freedom. The martyrs of the
Bay of Pigs, those shot by firing squads crying out, ''Long live Christ
the King,'' the ones who died in dark prison cells -- they all were
Castro's foes. But they also were his victims. They had no law or
lawyers to defend them against his totalitarian regime.

They, like the children, men and women who drowned when the 13 de Marzo
was sunk by Cuban gunboats; the three daring youths shot by a firing
squad because they hijacked a boat to escape to freedom; and those who
lie at the bottom of the sea, were indeed Castro's victims.


Fidel Castro will never truly be out of power in Cuba until he is dead.


In his Feb. 17 Issues & Ideas column, Does Herald have qualms with
calling Castro dictator?, Edward Schumacher-Matos asks, ''How should we
(The Miami Herald) be labeling Castro?'' He says that calling Fidel
Castro a dictator is truth, ``but a complicated one.''

What is so complicated about it? Elections are a joke in Cuba. The term
dictator alone, would not describe him -- he is a communist dictator. He
takes pride in reminding everyone that he is a communist, and that Cuba
is a communist country. Therefore, The Miami Herald should not sugarcoat
what this tyrant is with the term ''leader'' or ``president.''

Castro, without elections, took power in 1959. After imprisoning and
murdering thousands, he ran his country into the ground. After
converting Cuba into a Third World nation, this Communist dictator, sick
and old as he is today, with his outdated, cruel regime, controls
everything and everyone who lives on the island.


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