
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another Castro Expected to Become President of Cuba

Another Castro Expected to Become President of Cuba

Thursday, Feb 21, 2008 @11:10am CST

(Havana) -- Raul Castro is widely expected to be named to succeed his
brother as president of Cuba by the country's National Assembly Sunday.
Fidel Castro announced his retirement Tuesday, saying he was too ill to
continue. His younger brother Raul has been in power provisionally since
Fidel became ill in 2006. A U.S. analyst on Cuban affairs said Raul,
quote, "signifies stability and continuity at a time of great anxiety
and uncertainty."
Although Fidel Castro is officially resigning his post as president, one
Cuban expert says he will not be out of the power picture on the
Communist-run island. A former Cuban intelligence officer predicts the
elder Castro, quote, "will remain a key player with an active role as
kingmaker behind the throne."

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