
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Judge in the "suitcase scandal" heard the case of the Cuban spies

Judge in the "suitcase scandal" heard the case of the Cuban spies

Now Guido Antonini Wilson is to be witness (File photo)

The South Florida District Court judge Joan Lenard -who is hearing the
"suitcase scandal" in the United States, has expertise in prosecuting
alleged agents of foreign countries, as she dealt with the case of five
Cubans arrested on alleged spying activities.

Cuban citizens Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero,
Fernando González, and René González have been in jail since 1998, as
they were convicted. However, they have filed their fourth appeal to the

In that proceeding, Lenard was asked to consider a petition the defense
lawyers made for a new trial. They argued that new evidence had emerged
favoring their clients. However, the judge denied the petition.

Lenard is now to review the case of Carlos Kauffmann, Franklin Durán,
Moisés Maionica and Rodolfo Wanseele Paciello, who are accused of acting
as illegal covert agents of the Venezuelan government who were entrusted
with a mission: concealing the origin and destination of the USD 800,000
confiscated from US-Venezuelan citizen Guido Antonini Wilson in Argentina.

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