
Monday, December 03, 2007

US ratifies embargo despite Castro exit

US ratifies embargo despite Castro exit
By Henry Hamman in Miami

Published: December 3 2007 01:47 | Last updated: December 3 2007 01:47

The US economic embargo of Cuba will remain in place despite the de
facto transfer of power from Fidel Castro to his brother Raúl, secretary
of commerce Carlos Gutierrez has told Miami's Cuban-Americans.

Critics of the embargo, which has been in force for four decades, in the
US and elsewhere have said the US could reconsider its embargo in the
light of the effective departure of Fidel Castro because of illness.

But with the Bush administration soon to enter its last year in office
and Republicans facing an increasingly restive conservative base, the
prospect of a policy change that could anger Florida Cuban-American
voters is unlikely.

"Freedom will not happen by going from one dictator to another," Mr
Gutierrez said, speaking at a conference on the future of Cuba attended
largely by opponents of the Castro government. Mr Gutierrez, a Cuban
native who has responsibilities for Cuba policy in the Bush
administration, also predicted that Raúl Castro would be unable to
retain power in Cuba.

"I don't believe Raúl Castro can keep it together. I don't believe Raúl
Castro believes he can keep it together. He doesn't have the skills, the
talent, the brains," he said.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Gutierrez said he saw no
possibility of an end to the embargo as long as either of the Castro
brothers remained in power.

Mr Gutierrez said the Castro government was inherently anti-American.

He rejected any suggestion that US policy was inconsistent in seeking
broad economic co-operation with the communist governments of Vietnam
and China while refusing trade with communist Cuba.

"The governments in China and Vietnam have shown a real willingness to
establish better relations with the US, relations of mutual respect, of
partnership, where we can have a win-win situation. I wouldn't consider
China or Vietnam an enemy," he said.

Mr Gutierrez's appearance in Miami came a day before Venezuelans voted
on proposals that would give expanded powers to President Hugo Chávez, a
Castro ally and US antagonist. But Mr Gutierrez said he expected Latin
American support for free trade agreements with the US to continue
despite signs the region was shifting left.

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