
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Survey: 127 journalists jailed worldwide

Survey: 127 journalists jailed worldwide
Posted on Wed, Dec. 05, 2007
Associated Press Writer

At least 127 journalists worldwide are behind bars, and one in six have
never been publicly charged with a crime, according to an annual survey
by a press freedom group.

The Committee to Protect Journalists said its yearly census found the
number of jailed journalists has dropped by only seven from the previous
year. There was an increase in the proportion of journalists held
without any charge.

"Imprisoning journalists on the basis of assertions alone should not be
confused with a legal process. This is nothing less than state-sponsored
abduction," said the committee's executive director, Joel Simon.

"While we believe every one of these 127 journalists should be released,
we are especially concerned for those detained without charge because
they're often held in abysmal conditions, cut off from their lawyers and
their families," he said.

Journalists are being held by 24 countries, most in places notorious for
their intolerance of the press.

Twenty-nine were being held in China, including many accused of
publishing pamphlets criticizing the government. Other frequent jailers
of journalists include Cuba, Eritrea, Iran and Azerbaijan, according to
the advocacy group.

But the group also cited two journalists who have been held without
charges by the United States: Associated Press photographer Bilal
Hussein, who has been held by U.S. forces in Iraq for nearly 20 months,
and Al-Jazeera cameraman Sami al-Haj, who has been jailed for five years
at the military prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Hussein, who was part of a team of AP photographers who shared a
Pulitzer Prize in 2005, was seized by U.S. forces in Iraq in 2006.

The military has declined to provide details of the accusations against
him but has said he had links to insurgent groups in Iraq. The Pentagon
recently said it intends to submit evidence against Hussein to the Iraqi
judiciary system on Dec. 9.

AP executives said they have seen no evidence that Hussein was anything
other than a working journalist.

Al-Haj, who is from Sudan, was detained by military forces in Pakistan
in 2002 as he tried to enter Afghanistan to cover the war there. He was
turned over to the U.S. military, which classified him as an enemy
combatant and accused him of transporting money in the 1990s for a
charity that provided funding to Chechen rebels.

Pentagon spokesmen have said in recent interviews with the AP that
al-Haj's detention had nothing to do with his status as a journalist or
the content of his reporting.

Last year's survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists found that
134 were jailed worldwide, nine more than a year earlier.

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