
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cuban acting leader: Castro consulted on major policy-making

Cuban acting leader: Castro consulted on major policy-making
13:33, December 25, 2007

Cuban leader Fidel Castro spent a lot of time mulling over world
situations and always consulted over major policy making of the state,
said Defense Minister Raul Castro on Monday.

Castro, who is recovering from an intestinal operation in July 2006,
undergoes considerable daily physical exercises, said Raul Castro, who
is also the nation's acting leader.

He made the remarks during a tour in the country's second largest city
of Santiago de Cuba ahead of elections for national and provincial
assemblies slated for Jan. 20, 2008.

Castro was nominated by Santiago constituency as a candidate for the
national assembly. Castro has asked Raul to visit the city to listen to
voters on his behalf as his health at present does not permit him to do
so, according to Raul Castro.

Source: Xinhua

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