
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Slovakia demands explanation from Cuba

Slovakia demands explanation from Cuba

Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Ján Kubiš said after the Government
Session on October 24 that his ministry would ask Cuba to explain why it
hadn't allowed Peter Novotný, a Slovak citizen who was deported from
Cuba, to contact his diplomatic mission. According to the minister, it's
unnecessary to turn to the International Court of Justice in Hague yet.

Novotný of the Civic Eye organisation was in Cuba as an observer of
local elections along with his Czech interpreter. They had been sent to
Cuba by Czech organisation Člověk v tísni (People in Peril). Novotný
says they had been in Cuba since October 18, and on October 20 in the
town of Santa Clara, they met Cuban dissident and independent journalist
Guillermo Farinas, with whom they discussed the principles of free and
fair elections. On Sunday, October 21, they were awoken by police and
deported to Havana, where they were detained for the whole day before
being deported to Europe. TASR

Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

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