
Sunday, October 21, 2007

CDA MP Annoyed by Spanish Cuba Policy

CDA MP Annoyed by Spanish Cuba Policy

THE HAGUE, 20/10/07 - Christian democratic (CDA) MP Kathleen Ferrier
deliberately stayed away from the annual reception in the Spanish
embassy in The Hague on 12 October. She was thereby protesting against
Spanish policy on Cuba.

12 October is the Spanish national holiday. This year, it was also the
Spanish ambassador's farewell reception. Ferrier had promised to come,
but stayed away when she discovered one day before the reception that
the Spanish ambassador in Havana would not welcome any Cuban dissidents
at a similar reception in Cuba.

Spain is frustrating EU policy of supporting dissidents in Cuba,
according to Ferrier. "I consider the attitude of the Spanish government
very disappointing," she said in Nederlands Dagblad.

Ferrier has written to the ambassador explaining why she stayed away.
The CDA MP is calling on Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen to ensure that
at the European level, the EU - including Spain - remains behind the
Cuban protest movement.

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