
Friday, September 28, 2007

Family of Canadian jailed in Cuba wants answers

Family of Canadian jailed in Cuba wants answers
Sep, 28 2007 - 5:00 AM

EDMONTON/630 CHED - The family of Perry King, the Canadian being held in
a Cuban jail, trekked to the Edmonton International Airport hoping to
get a face to face with Public Security Minister Stockwell Day. They
were disappointed when it didn't happen.

Carrying bright neon bristol board signs hoping to get some attention,
the family of Perry King didn't even get in the same hallway as Day.
Pearl King is completely frustrated

"Again, 19 times already," King said. "What more do we have to do and
where can we find help for our son, our only son...he's not a criminal
and he has no record."

Day has never met with the King family. He's only sent correspondance,
and with reporters suggests there is an appeal system to go through,
starting with MP James Rajotte.

"Mr. Rajotte is here today and he's very capable, and people go to him
when they have concerns," Day said.

King's family says he has been wrongfully convicted in a Cuban prison
where he has spent the past five years fighting for his freedom. (sj, jk)

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