
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Two Hungarians expelled from Cuba

Two Hungarians expelled from Cuba
By: Hungary Around the Clock
2007-08-09 10:16:00

Two Hungarians were detained and expelled from Cuba last weekend after
authorities accused them of maintaining political contacts with Cubans,
Free Democrat caucus leader Mátyás Eörsi told reporters at Ferihegy
airport on Wednesday.

The couple, a father and daughter working as interpreters, were taken
from their hotel room and detained, but no criminal proceedings were
launched against them, and they left Cuba on Saturday. Both were members
of an unofficial delegation of European politicians on a tour of Cuba,
organised by US-based Freedom House.

Foreign Ministry spokesman György Odze said Hungary forms its Cuba
policy in accordance with the stance adopted by the EU, which calls for
dialogue with the Cuban government and seeks to build contacts with
civil society and the peaceful opposition. He added that Hungary is not
interfering in Cuba''s internal affairs.[backPid]=11&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=3401

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