
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Athlete will play in Sao Paulo, after deserting Cuba at Pan Am Games

Athlete will play in Sao Paulo, after deserting Cuba at Pan Am Games
10:09, August 01, 2007

Cuba''s national men''s handball team player Rafael Capote, who vanished
after leaving his delegation behind at the Pan American Games, confirmed
on Tuesday that he will stay in Brazil and play for a team in Sao Paulo.

Capote told a local newspaper that he had been hiding in the
municipality of Itapira, in the countryside of Sao Paulo state. On July
12, he left the Pan Am Village in Rio de Janeiro and took a taxi up to
Sao Caetano do Sul, in Sao Paulo''s metropolitan region. There, he tried
to apply for a position at the handball team Imes.

The team''s coach, Luiz Carlos de Araujo Jr., who initially did not
accept the player in his squad, decided to help Capote and got him a
place to stay in Itapira.

Following the end of the Games on Sunday, Capote decided to speak up,
and announced that he will start practicing at Imes, which is scheduled
to play the final round of the state''s handball championship.

"Now I am calmer in order to regularize my situation," said the player,
who intends to request his right of asylum so that he can live and work
in the country.

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