
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cuba's Santeria priests predict funereal future

Posted on Wed, Jan. 03, 2007

Cuba's Santería priests predict 'funereal' future
Two Havana groups of Santería priests issued their predictions for 2007,
eagerly awaited by the many Cubans who practice the mixture of African
and Catholic religions.
El Nuevo Herald

In separate and virtually competing new-year predictions, two groups of
Cuban Santería priests are predicting a ''funereal'' future but also an
''ideal'' moment for an economic recovery.

The island's babalawos have long been split into several groups, with
one group relatively loyal to the government. But their annual
predictions nevertheless are anxiously awaited by the many Cubans who
practice the mixture of African and Catholic religions.

This year, the predictions were awaited with special interest because of
Fidel Castro's still-unknown ailment, which has kept him out of the
public eye since July 26 and sparked speculation that he's seriously ill.

On Monday, the Yoruba priests who make up the relatively independent
Commission for the Year's Letter announced that 2007 would be marked by
wars and ''military interventions'' although the island will see an
economic improvement based on the discovery of oil and mineral deposits.

While they refused to speak specifically about Castro's health, babalawo
Lázaro Cuesta, who read the year's prediction, made comments that seemed
to be directed at the Cuban leader's ailment.

''The panorama that presents itself to us is a little funereal,'' he
said. ``When one doesn't leave his place at its proper time, one runs
the risk that unpredictable things happen.''

Castro surrendered power for the first time in 47 years after undergoing
intestinal surgery in late July. A Spanish surgeon who visited him two
weeks ago said Castro was recovering from ''complications'' following
``very grave surgery.''

The 80-year-old Castro turned over most of his power temporarily to his
younger brother Raúl, who is believed by many Cuba-watchers to be more
willing than his brother to open the island's economy to more market forces.

''I was powerfully impressed that they [the babalawos] were so categoric
on this,'' said María I. Faguaga Iglesias, a Havana anthropologist who
took part in the process of developing the commission's predictions.

Although the Cuban babalawos usually avoid making statements with
political implications, this year they raised eyebrows when they called
for more care and attention to the island's youth ``because today's
youth will be called to rule from a house to a country in the
not-too-distant future.''

The babalawos' comments coincided with recent statements by Raúl Castro
that the generation that fought in and led the Castro revolution is
reaching the end of its time ``and we must give way to new generations.''

Meanwhile, the Cuban Council of Senior Ifá Priests, considered to be
more loyal to the government, said its predictions ``speak of legal
problems and their repercussions, which could bring as a concequence an
increase in corruption and crime.''

A third group of babalawos in Miami, which will make its own predictions
public today, said the true forecast falls somewhere between the two
Havana groups. ''If we take a piece of each letter to make up one real
letter, if out of all this mess we take a little bit of each, this year,
simply put, the letter is predicting something bad,'' said Miami
babalawo José Montoya.

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