
Monday, December 25, 2006

Cuba confirms Spanish surgeon examining Castro

Cuba confirms Spanish surgeon examining Castro
2 hours, 25 minutes ago

MADRID (AFP) - A Spanish official has confirmed that a Spanish surgeon
was in Cuba to examine the nation's ailing leader
Fidel Castro and decide whether he will need another operation.

"The Cuban government decided to ask one of our top professionals to
care for its president," Manuel Lamela, health councilor for Madrid's
regional government told reporters Monday.

"When a government asks for help or collaboration, health officials
respond," Lamedo added, appearing to confirm a Spanish newspaper report
of the previous day.

The daily El Periodico newspaper identified the physician Sunday as Jose
Luis Garcia Sabrido, head of surgery at Madrid's Gregorio Maranon hospital.

Separately, Cadena Ser radio described Garcia as a well-known specialist
in digestive problems.

Castro's brother Raul was quoted Friday as saying the Cuban leader was
making progress in recovering from what has been described as intestinal
surgery on July 26.

The 80-year-old leader, who has ruled Cuba since 1959, temporarily
handed power over to his brother and has not been seen in public since.
An October video showed a visibly weakened Castro doing a few gymnastic

His apparently difficult recovery raises questions about the future of
the only Communist country in the Americas. Earlier this month a senior
US intelligence official judged the Cuban leader very ill and near death.

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